DigRF v4 Protocol Decode Software

DigRF v4 Protocol Decode Software offers protocol decoding as specified in the DigRF v4 specification. PGY-DigRF v4 Protocol decode software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope and provides measurements for protocol decode at the click of a button. This allows engineers to quickly check for DigRF v4 compliance and flexibility to debug the failure. In addition to this, engineers can decode the command and response of DigRF v4 to debug the communication. PGY-DigRF v4 takes advantage of the digital channels of MSO and provides the decoding of DigRF v4 data lines.

Product Overview


Application Notes

Key features

  • Automated frame detail as per the DigRF v4 standard
  • Automated Frame listing and frame description provide comprehensive protocol layer information
  • The software automatically identifies the operating mode and link rate for hassle-free protocol analysis
  • Automated error check for HS-Burst/Sys-Burst in High-Speed Mode and Low-Speed mode
  • Automated merged lane representation for multi-lane decoded data
  • Automated oscilloscope setup assistance for data captures
  • Protocol view lists the protocol frame activities in a tree structure and tabulated form to assist designers to know the header and payload details for each HS-Burst/SYS-Burst
  • Protocol test checks for CRC, SOF, and EOF violation
  • The software seamlessly integrates with Tektronix windows based oscilloscope and supports signal analysis using live channels of the oscilloscope.
  • Search and filter capabilities to locate protocol event
  • Long duration data decode support to capture more numbers events
  • Offline analysis capabilities using WFM files
  • Documentation by exporting data in CSV and TXT file format
  • Report generation in PDF format.

Design and test engineers can automatically make accurate and reliable decode of multi-lane DigRF v4 protocol, and protocol validation and debug the designs by correlating upper layer protocol info with electrical waveforms using PGY-DGRF software.

Seamless Integration with Oscilloscope

PGY-DGRF DigRF v4 Protocol Analysis Software runs inside the Tektronix high-performance windows oscilloscopes. Engineers can configure the PGY-DGRF Software to automatically import the data from oscilloscopes live channels or wfm file format. This enables live and offline protocol testing of the DigRF v4 protocol.

The “Auto Set” feature in PGY-DGRF automatically set the oscilloscope for data capture. “Save” and “Recall” of application, feature saves setup time for repetitive test needs Supports single acquisition, Repetitive, and No Acq mode using oscilloscope live data.

PGY-DGRF DigRF v4 Result Analysis
Result Pane:

Provides results from PGY-DGRF Protocol Analysis Software. PGY-DGRF Software displays each lane’s decoded data along with merged lane data. Collapsing each burst packet provides different frames and content within each frame. PGY-DGRF software links decoded frames of the individual lanes to corresponding electrical waveform in oscilloscope display helps in correlating protocol activity with physical layer information. Color annotation in merged data makes it easy to interpret the overhead and payload byte information in DigRFv4 protocol packets.

For Protocol validation and debugging PGY-DGRF software provides Summary, Protocol Test, Protocol view, and OSI view.

PGY-DGRF Software lists all the protocol activity communicated between the RFIC and BBIC. Software Provides statistical data for all Burst and Frames communicated over the DigRF interface.

Protocol Test:
PGY-DGRF Software provides protocol validation by SOF, EOF, data, and CRC error checks. PGY-DGRF provides protocol validation results with a click of a button by saving development time.

Protocol View:
PGY-DGRF Software decoded data related to all the frames communicated over Lane0, Lane1, Lane2, and Merge Lane Data (i.e. Lane0+ Lane1+Lane2) are displayed in a tree structure format for quick analysis. Protocol view also provides a tabulated display for each selected frame and cross-correlation of frames details such as header information, payload, and symbol information.

Protocol view also provides an error in SOF, Data, EOF, and CRC for respective frames. This helps in pinpointing protocol-related problems to specific frames.

OSI View:

In OSI View, you can view the analog waveform, Burst/frame detail, and protocol details in a single view. If there is any failure in protocol overheads or error in protocol messages, designers can quickly correlate the protocol data with analog waveforms. Users can select and analyze any frame in a row in the OSI view, corresponding frame description, along with the bus diagram representation for Single/Multilane analysis, and the analog waveform will be zoomed and displayed. Color annotation for protocol overheads and Multilane data analysis is also provided in the OSI view. Utility features such as search, filter, and zoom provide assistance while debugging.

Documentation of PGY-DGRF DigRF v4 Protocol Analysis
PGY-DGRF DigRF v4 Protocol Analysis software provides the flexibility in exporting the decoded data in txt and CSV file format. Report Generation capability allows users to have different waveforms images including the oscilloscope screenshot in pdf format report. Report header, comments, and Test attributes can be added to the report.

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