UFS 4.0 Protocol Analyzer
PGY-UFS4.0-PA, UFS Protocol Analyzer is the industry-first working and tested UFS4.0 Protocol Analyzer. It offers protocol data capture and debugging of data across MPHY, UniPro, and UFS protocol layers. It allows for instantaneous decoding of UFS, UniPro, and MPHY layers with the flexibility to correlate decoded data across these protocol layers. PGY-UFS4.0-PA supports PWMG1 to HSG5B data rates and two TX, and two RX lane decode. The active probe has minimum electrical loading on the device under test (DUT) and captures protocol data without affecting the performance of DUT. PGY-UFS4.0- PA Protocol Analyzer supports two-lane data. Comprehensive on the fly decoding of UniPro & UFS data enables validation of communication between UFS host and device.
PGY-UFS4.0-PA Protocol Analyzer allows Design and Test Engineers to obtain deep insight into UFS host and device communication. MPHY/UniPRO/UFS packet-based triggering allows specific protocol data capture and analysis. PGY-UFS Protocol analyzer instantaneously provides decoding of UFS, UniPro, and MPHY layers with a correlation to MPHY, UniPro, and UFS layers.
PGY-HSIC Protocol Trigger and Decode Analysis Software
Key features
- HSIC protocol decodes using either data signal or both data and strobe signals
- Powerful HSIC Protocol Aware trigger capabilities
- Error checks for CRC errors, data packet byte count errors; Invalid PID, End of the packet; packet length, PID byte mismatch
- Protocol decode supports the decode of bus status conditions such as idle, suspend, reset
- Bus diagram display of Protocol packet along with electrical waveform
- Long duration data decode support to capture more number of HSIC events
- Protocol analysis using live channel data as well as stored files
- Search capabilities to locate protocol event
- Filter view enables viewing packets of interest in hundreds of HSIC packets
- Filter capabilities to view only information of Interest
- Documentation by exporting data in CSV and TXT file format
- Report Generation

HSIC Protocol Decode Software offers protocol decoding as specified in the HSIC specification. PGY-HSIC Protocol decode software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope and provides measurements for protocol decode at the click of a button. This allows engineers to quickly check for HSIC compliance and flexibility to debug the failure. In addition to this, engineers can decode the command and response of HSIC to debug the communication. PGY-HSIC takes advantage of the digital channels of MSO and provides the decoding of HSIC data lines.
High-Speed Inter Chip (HSIC) Protocol is being adopted very fast in the electronic design industry. Engineers designing the HSIC interface are finding it extremely difficult to debug this serial bus by manually going through the serial NRZI electrical signals in the oscilloscope and locating the problems. PGY-HSIC Protocol Trigger and Decode Analysis software allow HSIC Protocol-aware real-time hardware-based trigger to capture HSIC signals, decode and analyze them for any errors, and bus status condition, and correlate protocol level information with electrical signals.
PGY-HSIC Software runs inside Tektronix Make oscilloscopes such as DPO/MSO5000, DPO7000, and DPO/DSA/MSO70000 oscilloscope series. PGY-HSIC utilizes the hardware-based real-time serial pattern to trigger, a long acquisition record length of up to 125MB to provide a superior HSIC Protocol Analysis Solution.
Easy HSIC Protocol Test Setup and Debug
PGY-HSIC Software installed in Tektronix oscilloscopes can be launched by clicking on the PGY-HSIC icon in the oscilloscope desktop folder. Now the user has simultaneous view and control of the oscilloscope waveform display as well as PGY-HSIC Software. PGY-HSIC Software is set to make all HSIC Protocol analyses. Users can analyze HSIC single acquisition mode, Repetitive mode, and as well as No Acq mode. In No Acq Mode, HSIC software analyses already captured the HSIC signal that is present in the acquisition memory of the oscilloscope.
Powerful HSIC Protocol Aware Hardware-Based Real-Time Trigger
Simple easy-to-use HSIC protocol-aware trigger features allow engineers to capture HSIC signals at specific events in the HSIC bus.
Select any of the live channels Ch1 to CH4 as trigger sources and set the trigger pattern. The trigger pattern could be either a Sync pattern to any PID packet. PGY-HSIC Software has the flexibility to choose a sync pattern that ends the ‘00’ pattern or ‘11’ pattern at the end of the 32-bit sync pattern. The threshold level allows the user to identify the right threshold to distinguish between logic 1 and logic 0. Protocol Aware trigger supporting trigger on sync and all PIDs.
Key Specifications
Debugging of HSIC Signals
Debugging capabilities such as CRC error checks, several data byte counts in data packets, and correlating protocol information with electrical signals quickly locates problems in HSIC protocol.
PGY-HSIC lists all decoded data in a decode table in HSIC Protocol format. The Protocol analysis capability computes the CRC values and checks with a decoded CRC value for any CRC errors.
- CRC5 error
- CRC16 error
- Bit Stuffing error
- PID Mismatch error
- Invalid PID
- EOP Length error
- Frame Length error
Selecting any HSIC protocol packet data in the decode table highlights the corresponding electrical waveform in a detailed view. The Bus diagram below the waveform indicates the protocol data for the waveform. This waveform can be further analyzed by zooming out, placing cursors, fit the screen. There is flexibility to snap and store the waveform image for a report with the flexibility to add comments for the image.
Searching for Specific PID, address, endpoint, and data allows us to focus on areas of interest in long record lengths of up to 125MB of data.
While testing and debugging HSIC protocol using 100MB of oscilloscope record length, hundreds of HSIC packets are expected to present. In order to focus on the right packet of interest in the decoded, it is important to look for packets of interest. The filter feature in HSIC enables viewing the desired packets in the decoded data.
Documentation of Protocol Analysis
PGY-HSIC Protocol Trigger and decode Analysis software provides the flexibility of exporting the decode data in txt and CSV file format. Report Generation capability allows users to have different waveforms images including the oscilloscope screenshot in pdf format report. Report header, comments, and Test attributes can be added to the report.